Shell Ultimate Road Trips

Advertising // EssenceMediacom // Summer 2023

A multimedia ad campaign promoting the launch of Shell’s new gasoline.


During my internship at EssenceMediacom, I worked with the Creative Futures team on the media activation for the Shell Ultimate Road Trips (URT) campaign. My primary responsibility involved generating a diverse set of ads for display on social media, various web platforms, and in-store distribution. Working with the URT logo which was already approved and a limited selection of assets provided by Fortnite, I adhered to strict branding guidelines set by Shell.

Brief + Approach

The goal of the campaign was to get our target audience to consider and choose Shell’s newest gasoline by conveying its benefits through gaming. Research revealed our key target audience: mostly millennial men with higher household income, constituting 10% of all drivers and spending approximately 16 hours per week gaming. Considering the audience and Shell’s needs, no other gaming platform could deliver like Fortnite. These ads aimed to attract players to explore the custom Shell URT map in Fortnite.

Multimedia Campaign

The campaign extended beyond in-game advertising in Fortnite. My focus encompassed creating multiple ads adhering to strict guidelines and specifications for platforms such as IGN, Reddit, Twitch, and Google Search. Additionally, I designed the Shell eGift Card, a tear pad for gas stations, and a custom URT Fortnite map.

Landing Page Design

Collaborating closely with the copywriter, I adhered to Shell's internal web design specifications and capabilities to design the landing page for the campaign, including all necessary assets.

Thece Ad

I directed the creation of a livestream ad for Thece, an advertising technology company that connects brands with gaming enthusiasts through native livestream advertising.  

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